RAG using Langchain / Chroma – Unable to save more than 99 Records to Database: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming this Frustrating Error
Image by Aung - hkhazo.biz.id

RAG using Langchain / Chroma – Unable to save more than 99 Records to Database: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming this Frustrating Error

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Are you tired of encountering the exasperating error “Unable to save more than 99 Records to Database” while using RAG (Record and Playback) with Langchain or Chroma? You’re not alone! This limitation can be a major roadblock in your workflow, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this error and provide you with step-by-step instructions to overcome it.

What causes the “Unable to save more than 99 Records to Database” error?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the root cause of this error. The “Unable to save more than 99 Records to Database” error typically occurs when you’re using RAG with Langchain or Chroma to store a large number of records in a database. This limitation is often attributed to the default configuration of Langchain or Chroma, which restricts the number of records that can be saved to 99.

Langchain and Chroma: What’s the difference?

Langchain and Chroma are both popular RAG tools used for automating interactions with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). While they share some similarities, they also have some key differences:

  • Langchain: Langchain is a more lightweight and flexible tool that provides a programmer’s interface to automate GUI interactions. It’s often preferred for its ease of use and customization options.
  • Chroma: Chroma is a more powerful and feature-rich tool that offers advanced automation capabilities. It’s often used for large-scale automation projects and provides a more comprehensive set of features.

Solution 1: Increasing the Record Limit

One of the simplest ways to overcome the record limit is to increase the default record limit in Langchain or Chroma. Here’s how to do it:

For Langchain:

; Set the record limit to 1000

Simply add the above code to your Langchain script, and you’ll be able to save up to 1000 records to your database.

For Chroma:

; Set the record limit to 1000

Similarly, add the above code to your Chroma script, and you’ll be able to save up to 1000 records to your database.

Solution 2: Using Batch Processing

If increasing the record limit doesn’t solve the problem, you can try using batch processing to save your records in batches. This approach can be more efficient, especially when dealing with large datasets.

For Langchain:

; Define the batch size
batch_size = 100

; Initialize a counter
counter = 0

; Loop through the records
for each record in records
  ; Save the record to the database

  ; Increment the counter
  counter = counter + 1

  ; If the batch size is reached, save the batch
  if counter >= batch_size
    counter = 0

In the above code, we define a batch size of 100 and use a counter to keep track of the number of records saved. Once the batch size is reached, we save the batch and reset the counter.

For Chroma:

; Define the batch size
batch_size = 100

; Initialize a counter
counter = 0

; Loop through the records
for each record in records
  ; Save the record to the database

  ; Increment the counter
  counter = counter + 1

  ; If the batch size is reached, save the batch
  if counter >= batch_size
    counter = 0

Similarly, we define a batch size and use a counter to keep track of the number of records saved. Once the batch size is reached, we save the batch and reset the counter.

Solution 3: Using a Third-Party Database Driver

If the above solutions don’t work, you can try using a third-party database driver that allows you to save more than 99 records to your database. Some popular database drivers include:

  • ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
  • OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding Database)
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

These drivers often provide more flexibility and customization options, allowing you to overcome the record limit.


The “Unable to save more than 99 Records to Database” error can be a frustrating limitation when using RAG with Langchain or Chroma. However, by increasing the record limit, using batch processing, or employing a third-party database driver, you can overcome this error and save more records to your database. Remember to always test your solutions thoroughly to ensure they meet your specific requirements.

Solution Description
Increase Record Limit Modify Langchain or Chroma script to increase the default record limit.
Batch Processing Save records in batches to overcome the record limit.
Third-Party Database Driver Use a third-party database driver that allows saving more than 99 records.

By following these solutions, you’ll be able to overcome the “Unable to save more than 99 Records to Database” error and achieve your automation goals with RAG using Langchain or Chroma.

Note: The provided code snippets are for illustrative purposes only and might require modification to adapt to your specific use case.

Frequently Asked Question

RAG using Langchain/Chroma can be a bit tricky, but we’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs to help you navigate the issue of saving more than 99 records to the database.

What is the limitation of RAG using Langchain/Chroma, and why can’t I save more than 99 records to the database?

By design, RAG using Langchain/Chroma has a limitation of saving up to 99 records to the database. This is due to the buffer size limitation in the Langchain/Chroma engine. However, there are workarounds to overcome this limitation, which we’ll explore in the following questions.

How can I increase the buffer size to save more than 99 records to the database?

You can increase the buffer size by modifying the Langchain/Chroma configuration file. Specifically, you’ll need to update the ‘buffer_size’ parameter in the configuration file. However, be cautious when doing so, as increasing the buffer size can impact performance. It’s essential to test and validate the changes before deploying them to your production environment.

What are some alternative approaches to overcome the 99-record limitation?

One approach is to use a batch processing mechanism, where you process and save records in batches of 99 or less. Another approach is to use a more advanced data processing engine that can handle larger record sets. Additionally, you can consider using a data streaming service to handle high-volume data processing.

Can I use a workaround to save more than 99 records to the database without modifying the Langchain/Chroma configuration?

Yes, you can use a workaround by splitting your data into smaller chunks and saving each chunk separately. This approach requires additional programming and data manipulation but can be an effective solution. However, be aware that this approach may add complexity to your data processing workflow.

What are the potential risks and consequences of working around the 99-record limitation?

Working around the 99-record limitation can lead to increased complexity, potential data inconsistencies, and performance issues. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the risks and consequences of any workaround and ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the implications on your data processing workflow.