Mastering Error Handling: How to Correctly Handle Parsing Errors with PetitParser or PetitParser2 in Pharo
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Mastering Error Handling: How to Correctly Handle Parsing Errors with PetitParser or PetitParser2 in Pharo

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Parsing errors – the nemesis of every developer working with PetitParser or PetitParser2 in Pharo. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there – staring at a cryptic error message, scratching our heads, and wondering what went wrong. But fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll demystify the art of handling parsing errors and take your parsing skills to the next level!

Why Error Handling Matters

Error handling is crucial in any programming language, but it’s especially vital when working with parsers. Think about it: a parser is like a super-strict grammar teacher, scrutinizing every detail of your input. One tiny mistake, and the entire parsing process comes to a grinding halt. That’s why understanding how to correctly handle parsing errors is essential for building robust, reliable, and maintainable parsing applications.

The PetitParser and PetitParser2 Parsing Process

Before we dive into error handling, let’s quickly review how PetitParser and PetitParser2 work their magic:

  • Parsing begins with a parser object, which defines the grammar rules for the input.
  • The parser consumes the input, matching tokens and applying grammar rules.
  • When a match is found, the parser creates a parse tree, which represents the input’s structure.
  • If an error occurs, the parser raises a ParseError exception, containing information about the error.

Understanding ParseError Objects

When a parsing error occurs, PetitParser and PetitParser2 create a ParseError object, which contains valuable information about the error. Here’s what you need to know:

Property Description
message Error message describing the problem
position Location of the error in the input (character position)
found The actual token or character that caused the error

By examining the ParseError object, you can identify the source of the error and take corrective action.

Handling Parsing Errors with PetitParser

In PetitParser, you can handle parsing errors using the following approaches:

1. try-catch Blocks

| parser input |
parser := PPParser new.
input := ' invalid input '.
[ parser parse: input ] 
    on: PPParserError 
    do: [ :error | 
        Transcript show: 'Error at position ', error position printString, ': ', error message; cr.

This code snippet demonstrates a basic try-catch block for handling parsing errors. When a PPParserError exception is raised, the code inside the do: block is executed, which prints an error message and position to the transcript.

2. Error Handlers

parser := PPParser new.
parser onError: [ :error | 
    Transcript show: 'Error at position ', error position printString, ': ', error message; cr.
parser parse: ' invalid input '.

In this example, we register an error handler using the onError: method. When a parsing error occurs, the error handler is executed, which prints an error message and position to the transcript.

Handling Parsing Errors with PetitParser2

In PetitParser2, you can handle parsing errors using the following approaches:

1. Fail Blocks

| parser input |
parser := PP2Parser new.
input := ' invalid input '.
parser parse: input fail: [ :error | 
    Transcript show: 'Error at position ', error position printString, ': ', error message; cr.

This code snippet demonstrates how to use a fail block to handle parsing errors. When a parsing error occurs, the code inside the fail block is executed, which prints an error message and position to the transcript.

2. Error Handlers

parser := PP2Parser new.
parser onError: [ :error | 
    Transcript show: 'Error at position ', error position printString, ': ', error message; cr.
parser parse: ' invalid input '.

Similar to PetitParser, in PetitParser2, you can register an error handler using the onError: method. When a parsing error occurs, the error handler is executed, which prints an error message and position to the transcript.

Best Practices for Error Handling

To ensure your parsing applications are robust and reliable, follow these best practices:

  1. Log error messages: Log error messages and positions to help with debugging and troubleshooting.
  2. Provide user-friendly error messages: Convert technical error messages into user-friendly messages that explain the problem and suggest corrections.
  3. Handle errors at the parser level: Catch and handle errors as close to the parser as possible to ensure that errors are handled consistently and correctly.
  4. Test and validate input data: Verify input data to catch errors early and prevent parsing errors from occurring.


Handling parsing errors with PetitParser or PetitParser2 in Pharo is a crucial aspect of building reliable and maintainable parsing applications. By understanding the parsing process, examining ParseError objects, and using try-catch blocks, error handlers, and fail blocks, you can effectively handle parsing errors and ensure your applications are robust and reliable.

Remember to follow best practices for error handling, such as logging error messages, providing user-friendly error messages, handling errors at the parser level, and testing and validating input data.

Frequently Asked Question

Confused about how to handle parsing errors with PetitParser or PetitParser2 in Pharo? Worry no more! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

Q: How do I detect parsing errors in PetitParser?

A: You can use the `parse:` method and check if the resulting `pp parsing result` object is an instance of `ppFailure`. If it is, then a parsing error occurred. You can also use the `parse:onError:` method to provide a block that will be executed when a parsing error occurs.

Q: Can I customize the error messages in PetitParser?

A: Yes, you can! PetitParser provides a `message:` method that allows you to specify a custom error message for a specific parsing rule. You can also use the `errorMessage:` method to specify a custom error message for a parsing failure.

Q: How do I handle expected tokens in PetitParser2?

A: In PetitParser2, you can use the `expected:` method to specify the expected tokens for a parsing rule. If the input does not match the expected tokens, a parsing error will occur. You can also use the `expectedToken:` method to specify a custom error message for an expected token.

Q: Can I use PetitParser’s built-in debugging tools to identify parsing errors?

A: Absolutely! PetitParser provides a built-in debugger that allows you to step through the parsing process and identify where errors occur. You can activate the debugger by sending the `debug:` message to the parser object.

Q: How do I handle parsing errors in a production environment?

A: In a production environment, it’s essential to provide informative error messages to users. You can use PetitParser’s error handling mechanisms to provide custom error messages and even log parsing errors for further analysis.